Частная школа ПРЕМЬЕР  






Автономная некоммерческая организация
г.Москва, Шипиловская ул.,д.40, корп.2,
Тел.:(495) 393-08-18, 393-0711

How do we live in relation to each other?
How can I contribute to the community?
How can I help others?
The emphasis of community and service is on developing community awareness and a sense of responsibility towards the community so that the students become engaged and feel emprowed to act to the needs of others.
Community and service starts in the classroom and extends beyond it, requiring students to discover the social reality of self, others and communities. This, in turn, may initiate involvement and service in the communities in which they live. Reflection on the needs of others, and student’s ability to participate in and respond to these needs contribute to the development of caring and responsible learners.
Our students help World War II veterans, old and disabled people, collect second-hand clothes for the children in “Rostok” orphanage, help in the Hospital, help the children in the orphanage in Tulskaya region.

Photos about Visits in the orphanage >>






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Private school 'Premier'